July 2009

There are two seemingly great deals on car loans out there which would probably put a damper on the two dominant car loan companies: BDO and BPI Family Bank.

2012 Honda CR-V

2012 Honda CR-V (from Temple of VTEC)

Looks like a rough rendering of the 4th-generation Honda CR-V has come out in a Japanese magazine. One of the most popular compact crossvers in the world is due for a facelift in late 2009 or early 2010, but Honda has already approved the working specifications for its replacement. (more…)

As a symbol of how confident GM is of the resilient Chinese car market, here a sampling of their ads for the new Camaro. Bumblee would have been pleased…but it goes to show you how different markets would react. My two centavos would be: they couldn’t get away with this in the US.

Chinese Camaro Ads (more…)