
Chevrolet Spin (

First designed for use in Brazil, Chevrolet has decided to bring the Spin to Southeast Asia. (more…)

"Speeding ka sir!"

"Speeding ka sir!"

I’m sure you’ve heard the LTO plan to forcibly place radio frequncy ID (RFID) tags in all cars by October 2009. The upsides, according to the Transportation Assistant Secretary Arturo Lomibao are:

  • Renewals of vehicle registration could be made faster/easier.
  • It could also be used to easily identify stolen vehicles.
  • More efficient traffic law enforcement through the quick identification of “colorum” vehicles. This in turn will help improve traffic flow and lessen air pollution.
  • No need to go to LTO to pay traffic violations. Your RFID could be charged directly (contactless payment) after citation — no more confiscation of driver’s license.

Now now lets, go over this point by point: (more…)

Invoice Price Calculator

Invoice Price Calculator

We all know that the MSRP you see printed in the dealer’s price list and brochures are a total of different factors. In the more developed countries, consumers have access to the manufacturers’ invoice prices (the price it costs the dealer to “buy” the car) and hence can actually see how the dealers make money. To date, we have no system allowing us consumers to see invoice prices.

But now here’s the second-best thing. (more…)

No, its not the 2-seat wheelchair called the P.U.M.A, but these 4 cars listed below. Combined, they are capable of selling more than 500,000 units worldwide annually. But more importantly, they’ll help repair the tarnish of the bow-tie badge. Better styling, upscale interior appointments, and a better range of engines should move more people into the showrooms in the next few months. I just hope that the bring over these products already as GM is really starved of anything to compete against the Toyotas and Hondas. BTW, all these cars are in production now…